The Colorado Communications Technology Program (CTP) under the Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind makes telecommunications equipment and accessories available to qualified Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind citizens in the state of Colorado.
The equipment includes:
- Amplified telephones
- CapTel phones
- Speaker telephones
- TTYs
- Ring Signalers
- Personal listening devices
- Smartphones and Tablets
- Specialized technology for DeafBlind
The Commission will update the telecommunications equipment available on a yearly basis.
To download the CPT applications, go to:
For More Information, Contact:
CTP Manager, JoAnne Hirsch
Colorado Commission for the Deaf and
Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind
1575 Sherman St., Garden Level
Denver, CO 80203
720-949-7457 (videophone)
720-315-9493 (direct)
855-767-6128 (toll free)
303-866-4831 (fax)